The Day is Finally Here!

Happy 50th everyone! So sadly, I do not get BBC America here at school, and I was working all day anyway. So while there will most definitely be a review for the Day of the Doctor, it’s going to be a few days late. Tuesday night it should be up! If not then it will be Wednesday morning. And hopefully it was as amazing as I picture in my head.

Not to try to stay away from Tumblr for a few days. Wish me luck…

Top Five Favorite Doctor Who Episodes

Well guys, it’s almost here. Four days from now…well four days from now I will be working and missing out on the TV event of the year. But more importantly, four days from now most of the world will get to witness The Day of the Doctor! So to celebrate let’s take a look at my top five favorite episodes. (New Who of course).

I apologize in advance for the few two-episode combos. But they had to be chosen.  Continue reading

Let’s Talk Segments

Hi all!

So as you all know, this blog really is just starting out. It’s taking me a little time to get into the swing of things with how often I can fit writing these articles into my school and work time, but hopefully I’m doing okay.

One of the things I am particularly interested in is the idea of different segments. In the future I plan to maybe have some other people on this project with me so we can add a little bit more variety, but for now it’s just me. These segments will hopefully end up being things like vlogs, regular articles, countdowns. That kind of stuff. You’ve already seen my very first segment, the Tuesday Top Five, but while I haven’t planned too many out I do have some ideas for other ones. The main one right now being a segment called “Lindsey Watches…” Clever right? Seeing as, you know, my name is Lindsey and I’ll be watching. 

For this segment, rather than having posts on a specific day I’ll make posts when I finish a season of a show you guys suggest. For this first one, since I don’t have many followers yet, I’ll be watching something my brother and dad suggested I watch. Classic Doctor Who. At the end of each season I’ll write a little snip-it of what I think so far, the highs and the lows, and probably talk a lot about how different things are with the show no, because it is seriously different.

I really want this segment to be designed around what you guys are watching! That way it can give me more insight into what you wanna see on the site. Movies are welcome to if you have one you really want me to see! So leave some suggestions in the comments and let’s get this segment started!

Happy Watching,


Top Five Favorite Shows of All Time

Welcome to the first ever Tuesday Top Five! I have a lot of TT5 ideas already (bromances, characters, episodes, etc) but since we’re all still getting to know each other here, I figured I’d keep it simple. So today, I list my top five favorite shows of all time. Now, I’m sure I’m going to slap my forhead later and remember a rather important show that should have made the list, but for now this is it. Drumroll please…here’s my favorite five shows!

Continue reading

Geek to TV: Origins

Hello everybody! And welcome to my new blog, Geek to TV. This little project has been about a month in the making, and I am very excited to get everything started. As a little intro, before I get into the real content of this site, I figured the first day’s article could just be a little insight onto what this blog will be and what you can expect to see. Obviously, it is a TV blog. That seems pretty straightforward right? Awesome. Let’s move on.

As a writer, I have always enjoyed a great story. And that obsession of mine has been transferred over to a love of television that annoys almost everyone I talk to. I just find the general concept so interesting: the fact that now-a-days we’ve transferred from the whimsical sitcoms of the 90s to these intricately plotted shows. They’re like the micro-fiction of movies. From the witty banter of BBC’s Merlin, to the strong emotional chemistry of the Winchester brothers, right down to the complex and horrifyingly ingenious plot twists of Doctor WhoI am obsessed. But alas, my love of discussion for these shows (as well as a crazy amount more) can only reach so far when talking to people who have never sat there and put themselves through the emotional trauma of watching them.

Then, a little while ago, I discovered an article about the final episode of Merlin. A ‘Merlin’ retrospective: The platonic love story of Merlin and Arthur, was written by a woman named Selena Wilkin. Some of you may be aware of this article. And if it’s not dear god go read it because it is so beautifully written, that I was actually in awe at the final lines. As a fiction writer (and reader) I am very aware of the feeling I get when I read an inspiring passage, but I have never felt that way about a factual article until now. Her words not only made me love the ending after fits of hating how upset it made me, but it made me understand why I loved the show so much. So I thought, “Hey, why can’t I do something like that with my vast, pointless knowledge of TV shows?”

And thus, a blog was born.

Here, I hope to captivate an audience of equally adoring fans with ideas and thoughts around familiar episodes, theories, and general discussion of how indescribably awesome these shows are. There will be a lot of posts, a lot of shows, and a lot of fangirling. Whether it’s through articles, video posts, or whatever else I decide to throw on here: you will see some serious postage.

So there you have it, folks. Welcome to Geek to TV! I hope to hear from all of you and I hope you guys like all of the nonsense I come up with. Obviously the site as of now is a bit rough, but once we get some more content I’m sure it will look a lot lovelier, so bear with us. Keep an eye out next Thursday for a nice little catch-up of this summer’s shows! And don’t forget to follow us here on our blog and out there in the world of Twitter (@geektotv)

PS—Wilkin’s article can be found here. It isn’t a long read, and Merlin fans you’ll be glad you did.